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World Hepatitis Day 2016 

Yang Yang

Beijing subway poster- Yang Yang

Dr. John Ward

Dr. John Ward, director of viral hepatitis, CDC attended the Vietnamese Concert and Community Health Fair on 7/23/2016

Mike Honda and Dr. John Ward

ALC Interns with Congressman Mike Honda and Dr. John Ward

Vietnamese Concert and Health Fair

Asian Liver Center Interns hosted a Vietnamese Concert and Health Fair at Milpitas High School on July 23rd, 2016

Stanford University Avenue Banners

The Asian Liver Center put up JoinJade banners on University Ave. at Stanford University on July 25th, 2016 to celebrate World Hepatitis Day

2016 World Hepatitis Day Videos

世界肝炎日乙肝知多少 7.27 (粵)

Click HERE to see the Asian Liver Center's World Hepatitis Videos from previous years!

Jackie Chan 成龍

(Chinese version)

Jackie Chan 成龍

(English version)

Anchor 1

WHD with the World Health Organization 

WPR Infographics

Hepatitis- Know It. Treat It. Prevent It.

Treat Hepatitis- Stop Liver Cancer


The theme for this year’s global campaign is ELIMINATION. At the World Health Assembly in May, WHO Member States set to adopt the first ever Elimination Strategy for Viral Hepatitis, with ambitious targets and a goal to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. This will be the first time national governments sign up and commit to the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis.

For more information about World Hepatitis Day 2016, please visit the official World Hepatitis Day 2016 website


At the 63rd World Health Assembly in May 2010, the World Health Organization approved resolution WHA63.R18 that established World Hepatitis Day as an officially sanctioned hepatitis awareness day.  World Hepatitis Day is an annual event that provides international focus for patient groups and people living with hepatitis B and C; it is an opportunity around which interested groups can build knowledge and influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing and treatment; and it provides an opportunity to raise public awareness about viral hepatitis and focus attention on what can effectively be done for its prevention and control.

The Western Pacific Region (WPRO) was the first of the six WHO regions to set a deadline for the reduction of hepatitis B infection rates in children through vaccination. The Region accounts for half of the world’s hepatitis B cases but is home to only a third of the world’s population.

Asian Liver Center at Stanford University


780 Welch Road, CJ130
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Tel: 888-311-3331
Fax: 650-736-8001

APAVH Regional Office

Stanford Center at Peking University
The Lee Jung Sen Building at Peking University

No.5 Yiheyuan Road
Haidian District
Beijing P.R.China 100871
Web: (in Chinese)

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