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APAVH is a global initiative and a multi-disciplinary organization established in November 2008 by the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University (ALC), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) with support from the Zeshan Foundation. It is based at Stanford University, with a Regional Office in Beijing’s Peking University.


APAVH focuses initially on the 41 countries that comprise the WHO Western Pacific and South-East Asia regions (WPRO) and account for 78 percent of the global burden of HBV infection. APAVH will spearhead capacity building to address HBV, help build health sector knowledge and skills to control and prevent HBV, and promote adoption of comprehensive policies that will ultimately lead to the global elimination of the virus.

  1. Reduce chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection prevalence globally to less than 2 percent in children 0-15 years of age by the year 2015 by improving and expanding hepatitis B immunization programs;

  2. Increase access to chronic HBV testing and antiviral treatment globally in order to reduce transmission rates and disease mortality and morbidity;

  3. Reduce the blood-borne transmission of hepatitis B;

  4. Reduce stigma and discrimination in schools and labor markets against people with chronic viral hepatitis

  5. Build national and regional capacity through advocacy, education and trainingtowards better knowledge and understanding about viral hepatitis.



The ZeShan Foundation, based in Hong Kong, aspires to be a catalyst and a leveraged force in proactive giving and engaged philanthropy. ZeShan seeks solutions to social ills in the hope of making a long-term impact on society and creating meaningful differences to their beneficiaries. The ZeShan Foundation helps the needy achieve self-sufficiency to reduce gaps between the haves and the have-nots and empower those they support through capacity building. The Asian Liver Center is fortunate to have the ZeShan Foundation as a supportive and dedicated partner in the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer. The ZeShan Foundation was an active partner in the Qinghai Catch-up Vaccination Project from 2006-2008. At the Clinton Global Initiative Meeting in Hong Kong on December 2, 2008, the ZeShan Foundation announced its generous commitment to the Asia and Pacific Alliance to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis (APAVH).
The Ping and Amy Chao Foundation was founded in California’s Silicon Valley in 2005 by Ping Chao and his wife Amy Chao. It was established exclusively for charitable purposes. The foundation aims to fund and nurture initiatives improving the health and well-being of children and youth in economically disadvantaged regions throughout the world, promote the spirit of philanthropy, and develop awareness of non-profit practices and opportunities for service for the younger generation in China and the greater Chinese community. The Asian Liver Center is fortunate to have the Ping and Amy Chao Foundation as a supportive and dedicated partner in the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer. The Ping and Amy Chao Foundation was an active partner in the Qinghai Catch-up Vaccination Project from 2006-2008. The Foundation has also pledged to become an APAVH Partner.


Advisory Board

The APAVH Advisory Board sets the direction and future of the organization, collaborating with the APAVH Executive Secretariat. The Advisory Board  consists of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and internationally renowned experts in the fields of viral hepatitis, liver cancer, public health, and public policy.  Advisors are committed to APAVH’s goals for the elimination of hepatitis B and provide contributions to the success of the alliance.

Executive Secretariat

The Asian Liver Center at Stanford University serves as the APAVH Secretariat, or Collaborating Center of APAVH. The Secretariat has a coordinating representative, who acts as focal point. The Secretariat assists in organizing and bringing partners together.  It also implements the tasks assigned by the Advisory Board, to whom the Secretariat is accountable. It  will serve as the link between the Advisory Board driving the direction of the Alliance and the APAVH Secretariat, coordinating APAVH activities, projects and meetings.

Asian Liver Center at Stanford University


780 Welch Road, CJ130
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Tel: 888-311-3331
Fax: 650-736-8001

APAVH Regional Office

Stanford Center at Peking University
The Lee Jung Sen Building at Peking University

No.5 Yiheyuan Road
Haidian District
Beijing P.R.China 100871
Web: (in Chinese)

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